Espère's 'brief' guide to Jock Itch


What is Jock Itch?

Fungal infections around the groin are quite common in men. The so called “Jock itch”, also known as tinea cruris is a fungal infection that affects the skin in the groin area (upper thigh, buttocks and abdomen).

The rash of jock itch starts in the groin fold usually on both sides. If the rash advances, it usually advances down the inner thigh. The advancing edge is redder and more raised than areas that have been infected longer. The advancing edge is usually scaly and very easily distinguished from normal skin. The skin within the border turns a reddish-brown and loses much of its scale.


  • A red rash with raised edges – usually on the groin, skin folds, inner thighs or buttocks
  • Irritated and persistently itchy skin in the groin area
  • Burning sensation around the affected area
  • Flaking or cracked skin
  • Scaly, red or brown patches


Warm, moist environments are the perfect place for tinea cruris to grow. Wearing sweaty, wet clothing in the summer time or wearing several layers of clothing in the wintertime causes an increased incidence of jock itch.

Can you pass Jock Itch on?

Contaminated clothing, towels and even your hands if you touch the infected area can transmit jock itch, so it can also spread from other infected body parts such as your feet if you are suffering from an athlete’s foot infection.


Jock itch is normally treated with topical creams or ointments since the fungus only affects the top layer of skin. If the rash is very red and itchy, especially if it has blisters at the edge, a topical steroid such as hydrocortisone may also be applied. Steroids should not be used in the groin alone without consulting a doctor since steroids alone can make the rash of jock itch much worse.

How DermaSilk Intimo can help?

The silk fabric allows the skin to breathe, reducing moisture and temperature traps that encourage the growth of yeasts and fungi. In addition, the Microbe Shield finish deters the growth of both bacterial and fungal contaminants.

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